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Ever wondered what you would be in the next 5 to 10 years.Would you have achieved some of your goals in life or will you just be the kind of person who lives day to day with no self destination. Have you looked into the mirror and visioned if you'll be proud of who you see right in front of you in future years? Maybe you will or you will is up to you. A Great Man once said, "A man with no dreams is a man with no vision, and a man with no vision is a man on no mission, and a man on no mission,has no destination. Do you have a dream? Do u have a vision? Without either one of them, then you can't move to the next phase which is , your mission. Your mission doesn't necessarily mean ,going on a quest of some sort . Every successful man, had a mission, and they don't count themselves successful until they actually complete that mission. Note this: "Realizing a mission,is brought by your vision..and completion of your mission,leads to Satisfaction"
Your visions are what you desire to see yourself as, in the future. Your mission is you work towards fulfulling it. When you know where you are heading to, no one can make you discouraged or bring you down. The hunger for fulfillment will always keep you going, and the even when you sleep , your "DREAMS" keep reminding you of your mission. To achieve all these: Get a quiet time alone and think your life over and over again. Do you have priorities, Goals and Visions?...Who are your mentors,do they fall in line with what you are good at. The Bible says "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might......." Ecc 9:10 So check around, Do your friends see what you see? Do they have dreams and visions too? you need to have the right people around you to achieve those visions. Remember, you cannot do it on your own, Of course you need God to Lead and guide you. With God All things are possible. So if you are reading this, and you do not have your life pretty planned out, please do. This is not for the men, Ladies too have dreams and visions. May God Strenghten us all to completing Our mission on this earth. CHUKS JUSTIN

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