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A wise man once said "Education is a tool YOU can use to change your world". This is indeed true but one might ask;"in this present Nigerian education system,how can this saying apply?" People may even make remarks like: ''yea yea that can be achieved only in a developed country'' or even say "the guy who said this must be on some dope".Well all these might be right to an extent but remember, "never say never".   According to the online business dictionary, education is defined as the wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something. If education is defined as this then why can't it be used in world changing. Education is a very powerful tool,it is not a skill or a talent. It is a process of information gathering and this can be done in and out of school. Gone are the days where we stereotype our minds into thinking that all we learn in the four walls of an institution is all there is to life. The world is changing, the entire universe is in a state of metamorphosis and we have to adapt to the times we are in. It's not a time to seat and relax hoping that when we get out of school things will better nor is it a time to rest on your laurels waiting on mum&dad to provide your every&daily needs. Only those who persevere can partake in the fruit fullness this changing but ruthless world has to offer.  
 It is obviously no news that ASUU,ASUP&COEASU are on strike again. This is something that happens every once in a while,little wonder why the number of applicants in private institutions increase every year. I'm not writing this to point fingers at who is responsible or who is to be blamed but to enlighten us youths&students 2see this as an opportunity, to embrace it as a call 4us to rise up,stand with our heads up and equip ourselves for the amelioration of our nation. This is the point where we ask ourselves; "what can I (as a student) do while the strike is on?"..
 A lot of people have seized this chance to sleep,party and even engage in frivolous activities that will not in any way benefit them, their families or the nation as a whole. Mark Twain said; "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education". Education is indeed a powerful tool. So instead of whiling away your days and time, how about reading educative&innovative books, taking up that long forgotten hobby such as writing, knitting, painting, collaging, drawing and improving on it, how about laying plans and starting up that wonderful business idea you've always had in mind, how about volunteering in that needy home,giving a helping hand to the less privilege..  In toto, see this is an opportunity for self improvement, an avenue to enrich yourself and become a better you. Remember that the first step to changing your world is by changing your mindset and improving on yourself. Only those who are well equipped and ready can decipher opportunities when they come knocking...  There may be some other things you are thinking of as you are reading this article that I may not have penned down, avail yourself this once in a while shot, get a pen, write them down and begin to work on it. Whatever it is you choose to do this period, you owe it to yourself and your family to do it well.            
  Furthermore, some percentage of individuals might be wondering; "what are you even talking about Jewel?, I'm happy, resting and enjoying the strike and I even hate school"... Well to such individuals I'm sure you won't be so happy when your younger siblings who were in 100level when you were in 300level graduates before you because they attended a private institution. Think well.          
 In conclusion, do not let this window of opportunity pass you by. Bear in mind that the key phrase for this season is BE PRODUCTIVE!!! Thank you...                                      
 Jewel Ike-Obioha,                 Campus tv Academic Ambassador.
Jewel Ike-Obioha

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