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   Twenty one year old Monica Ogah from Benue State who won the fourth edition of MTN Project Fame West Africa and thus joined the coveted Fame Alumni with Iyanya, Chidinma, and Mike Anyasodo is working tirelessly to make her name become a household one. In accordance  with her recording contract with MTN Ultima Studios, Monica revealed that she had been in the studio working hard to finish her debut album. Here, in this chat with a reporter, she talks of what she’s been up to lately.

 How has life been after Project Fame?  

Life after Project Fame hasn’t been easy, but I give thanks to God for being with me throughout. I  also thank my family for their support. While in the  Project Fame it’s you facing or contesting against few other people in the House but life after Project Fame is totally different, because you are facing a whole lot of different people; you are competing with the entire world, it’s a different game entirely, the whole of west Africa would be watching you and monitoring you. It is like the whole  world has placed a responsibility on your shoulders and you must achieve something of substance to prove you are not a fluke.

 *Monica  *Monica  Has Project Fame platform really helped you?

  Project Fame has really helped because it isn’t easy to start music from the very scratch, it’s a big platform for someone to start a music career; they give you the name; people recognize you; and because of the long days you were featured on different television stations across the nation people recognize you immediately they see you. So, it is easier to ride on that platform  than to start the journey from  nowhere. 


After Project Fame what has change in you?

  Well, nothing really has changed, you won’t believe it, it’s my normal Monica. The free spirited type who is still fun to be with.  I thank God its common from where I come from in Benue State, we all love to be simple with life, though nothing really has changed about me and the spotlight Project Fame gave me hasn’t gone into my head because I am in control of myself. 

 How long have you started singing? 

 I started singing at the Sunday school in the church; my mum was the church choir mistress, so singing is what has been part of my family because it has always been in our veins  Is music a career to you or what?  Music is my life, music is something I love doing, like I said earlier, I grew up in a family where music runs through us, music is my passion and it’s what I love doing. I  can’t stop doing music, I have to keep doing it because I love to do it and it isn’t that I don’t have other things doing but basically I can’t leave music and music can’t leave me because it is my passion and I love doing it. 

 How do you see your album compared with that of other artistes? 

 The ability for me to believe in my album which is the first count. Then this is Monica Ogah, hers is different from what you would be listening to in other people’s albums, basically, the originality is what will differentiate us, more so, I don’t want to sound like anybody, I don’t want to look like anyone, I just want to be me and make the originality in me stand out from others.  *Monica  What should be expected in your album?  Well, my fans and  music lovers should expect mixed feelings from my album, because it is a total package album which contains dancing, inspirational courageous songs, if you want to dance, you will find danceable song, if you want to get inspire, there’s inspirational song as well, the album consists of different kinds of music in one .

Which of your songs are you promoting for the album? 

 Most of the songs in the album but ‘Body Hug’ is my number one song followed by ‘Suddenly’ featuring Chidinma, ‘End of Story’ and ‘Tomorrow’ produced by TY MIX. 
 With your songs being played across the broadcast stations, has response been encouraging?  Well, so far the response has been very encouraging and I’m very much happy with the feedback on the album.  With the responses, have you been receiving calls for shows?  Yes, I’m getting a couple of calls every now and then for shows but it is a gradual process. I am taking my time and before long I shall be very much involved with it .  Your album titled ‘Sometime in August’, what’s the secret behind it?  Well, ‘Sometime in August’ is today, sometime in August I launched the album and sometime in August I was born while a lot of things happen to me in sometime August. 

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